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Just Smile in love Episode 6 – Her Eyes Filled with tears

Aikaan kept standing there, her eyes filled with tears, her heart was about to stop and she couldn’t lift her feet. She was stoned. She couldn’t blink and then she doesn’t remember anything, she was in depression. Aikaan. Aikaan.. her father came running to pick her up. He took her to the hospital as she fainted. She went unconscious.


Leila told her nanny that Faaris is in love and wants to marry a girl now and she kept teasing Faaris when he finally said “I will not bring any chocolates.” Not today nor tomorrow or any other day. Now you can keep singing the song you were singing. Leila stopped and made the same cute face she always used to make to melt faaris for her. Faaris like always,  melted. Faris thought about Aikaan, what beautiful eyes filled with tears… 


Faaris was smoking a cigarette, sitting on his terrace, and was looking at the sky when he took out his cell phone from his uppers pocket and texted Aikaan “We are under the same sky, the love stories basically begin like this.”

No reply received and he kept smoking until his cigarette finished and he went inside and after a long long time he opened up a novel it was some “Japanese love story” book. He started reading it again, his eyes filled with tears after reading the sad story. He could feel tears in his eyes when reading a book.

(The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin got inside him and he started feeling her around him, she was into the air all around him. She had become his physical and emotional necessity. The peace for her soul.)

Faaris closed the book and went to sleep. Everything he read it seemed like the book was talking to him and the book was comprehending his feelings for Aikaan and he closed the book and put it away in anxiety.


She opened her eyes and panicked, she felt tears in her eyes. Her inner peace was totally gone. She was depressed and she had lost all the hopes from her life. She wanted to harm herself in every way she could right now, she was in depression. I wish you would have stabbed my body and it would have healed, but you injured my heart Adam and it’s going to last for a lifetime. At our engagement ceremony, you married my own best friend and you were standing right there in front of my eyes..( her eyes filled with tears, while thinking about his cruel act) You were Happy as ever like I never ever existed in your life. Look at my friend. Was she even my friend? You both betrayed me but why put me in this condition. Why humiliate me in front of so many people? Why you never told me that you loved her not me? Why you dragged me here…Why did you keep faking your love for me?

Aikaan had so many questions in her mind she started shouting.. when the nurse came inside and calmed her with a Diazepam injection. 


Have you ever been in love or ever had a love story of your own? It’s scary, isn’t it? It makes a man so vulnerable. It opens your heart and gives authority to someone to totally mess you up. You give them a major part of your very own self. They never asked for it but you did.

Aikaan was writing her journal which she wrote since she was in grade 3. She used to write everything she felt, everything that happened. She was inking out hr heart and asking her diary if she felt the same as her?

Aikaan received a text again:

“I know you will not reply like always, maybe I should learn to say goodbye. Maybe I’m not good enough for you and you won’t even give me a chance to know if even I’m worth it. Maybe I should learn to let go of you with nothing but love.. because my only mistake was to fall in love with you. It wasn’t my choice to fall for someone who wouldn’t even like me.” Every time she used to write she felt her eyes filled with tears, it was the only thing she wasn’t giving upon.


Faaris woke up each morning with the desire to have Aikaan around or to at least hear her voice or to text her but she never answered his last text back and even he wasn’t the person who will keep running after someone does steven like him. He decides to leave her thought aside somehow and be a meaningful person instead, as simple as it sounded and near to impossible to be happy without her. With each day passing his heart would descend from his chest into his stomach. By early afternoon every day the feelings of being lonely use to overcome him. By evening he was fulfilled with grief. He kept telling himself that he is not sad and he is happy but Aikaan never left his mind and it was about 2 weeks now that he hadn’t seen her and talked to her. He was in depression now.

It was January 13th when he saw her this afternoon in the same coffee shop. She was sitting along with her friend and looked like the night sky, with tons of stars hidden somewhere deep, who would say that she is not beautiful.. he thought to himself. He was going the same way to the same coffee shop but he thought to order coffee outside instead. He did not want her to feel uncomfortable. Aikaan saw him. She also saw him standing right outside the shop but couldn’t gather the courage to say hi or talk. He looked handsome to her. He sure was handsome. She couldn’t lie but she did not want to proceed with this relationship well. He saw her looking at her but looked away the very moment their eyes met ( he could feel her eyes filled with tears and sadness but maybe it was just his thought). She left the coffee shop with her friend.


Aikaan went through the memory lane and reminded her sad past, she was in depression, it brought tears in her eyes, her eyes filled with tears. Aikman’s past was painful.

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