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How Ali got Haseeb contact number The Love Lane – Soldiers’ Love Tale – Episode 7

Areesha: I met a lot people in my life but I never loved. ( Areesha lied, because in past she loved Ali a lot )

Haseeb : That’s strange, I mean I won’t mind knowing about any friend of you .

Areesha: I think I will fall in love with you Haseeb you have got all those qualities which I was looking for, in a life partner and I think we can have a smooth life by the will of Allah. ( Areesha knew that she lied to Haseeb but she did for her better tomorrow)

Haseeb was not expecting the answer of no, regarding love from a mature girl.

According to Haseeb Areesha might have had some experiences regarding love or heartbreak and he was okay with it. Areesha didn’t know her lie is gonna create a disaster in her life.

They came back home from restaurant , it was a beautiful day in Areesha’s life.

Suhail : His name is Haseeb. He is an engineer, based in Lahore. The guy has a nice job and a fancy house. The engagement ceremony was officially held last week with Miss Areesha. I will text you his contact number and all details. You can easily access him but why do you need a stranger’s details?

Sohail was Ali’s very dear friend and was curious why Ali is gathering details about a guy who is almost a stranger.

Ali didn’t want to reveal a single thing to him he contacted Sohail from another contact number which was of his friend.

Now was the time to text Haseeb.

Ali was on his way to text Haseeb now.

WhatsApp conversation started between Ali and Haseeb

Ali : Hi!!

Is this Haseeb?

(anonymous contact number appeared )

Haseeb : Yes

Haseeb : Who are you?

Curiosity was natural because he texted with his name.

Ali: You should not be interested in this just sending you some pictures, Enjoy?

Haseeb : What kind of pictures?

The question was in the middle when countless pictures of Areesha with a guy started popping up in the chat – The guy’s face was completely blurred however, Areesha’s face was truly visible as if it was the purpose of the sender.

Haseeb was shocked at the moment to see those pictures, he never felt this comfortable with Areesha the way she was with the guy in the pictures.

The timeline of pictures were too different – it seems that they were captured in different times.

It seemed a long love tale, Haseeb’s emotions were truly mixed from anger to disappointment.

He blocked the contact number of the sender.

Haseeb was numb, he didn’t want to feel anything. He switched the light off and closed his eyes. He didn’t want to talk to Areesha, The phone was popping up with her messages but Haseeb had no interest in her now. He had decided something.

Muaz and Maana messages on contact number

Muaz called Maana on Instagram, he couldn’t even wait for her message and contact number.

Maana: Hello ( Maana picked the phone after clearing throat )

Muaz : This is Ahmad Muaz

Maana : Muaz is your surname?

Muaz : Well, Ahmad is my Surname.

Maana: Oh, Your ID is with surname,

Muaz : So did u believe now, I am for real.

Maana: How can I know with just one call.

Muaz: You won’t believe I waited for so long to talk to you. I desperately wanted to hear you but was reluctant to ask about your contact number and see I contacted you on Instagram, I couldn’t wait actually….

Muaz said in one go.

He wanted to say it all.

Maana didn’t know why was it happening but she was so happy. Marina’s life was spent with boys. She was a modern girl who had no concept of gender differences when it comes to friendship but talking to Muaz was another feeling.

Muaz and Maana talked for one hour the very first day Muaz asked about all her choices.

Maana particularly asked about his girlfriends, she was so sure that Muaz must be having one.

Muaz : Maana I didn’t have girl friend.
Yes I had friends in past but later I joined PMA and job. Now I only saw you and think about you

( Muaz clearly told Maana about his feelings)

Muaz : Hey, also I am going on leaves in hard area, I probably would need your contact number.

So she gave Muaz her contact number as well.

Maana Ramsha phone call

Maana : Hey Ramsha, his voice is so good, I skipped my heartbeat.

Ramsha : Really did he call you?

Maana : Yes he called me and we talked for about an hour.

Ramsha: Maana, I don’t think so guys are serious with girls but if this guy is handsome and also loyal, keep her as a husband and not maybe as just a boyfriend or time pass activity.

Ramsha gave a reality check to Maana but Maana felt bad. She had the same genetics that Ali had .

Maana: please don’t school me, I know what to do. Right now I wanna enjoy this period of my life without thinking about any other thing because I so wanted to love a soldier and it is all happening now.

Muaz and Ali started packing up their vacations were ending and this time both were going back to their units at distinct
places. Muaz was sad but Ali wasn’t sad as his plan of revenge worked very well.

Ali sent Haseeb all their pictures together and was so happy. The grief of Areesha’s engagement and break up was also over. Haseeb will now definitely call off the engagement for sure. Muaz was noticing unusual expressions of Ali.

Muaz : Why you so happy? Weren’t you so worried a few days ago?

Ali : Yeah I was sad but now I am okay. I have taken my revenge.

Muaz : What did you do? ( Muaz was shocked )

Ali : Sent all our memories to Areesha’s dear fiance.

Muaz: No No!! . You can’t do such a heinous crime to a girl.

I wish you learned to respect women.

(To be continued….)

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