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How much Pakistanis spent on tea in last 5 months

Tea is widely drunk in Pakistan and in South Asia as well. India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Malaysia, Nepal, Hongkong, and Bhutan also widely consume tea.

Our daily life routine, our guests service, our work boasting, all depends on the tea. We all live on the consumption of tea to perform our daily chores.

Let’s see how much did Pakistan spent on tea in last 5 months.

According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics, more than Rs 38.43 billion worth of tea has been imported in the last five months in Pakistan.

According to the report of the Bureau of Statistics, more than Rs 38 billion worth of tea has been imported from July to November, which means that Pakistanis drank more than Rs 38 billion in five months.

According to the report, tea worth Rs 28.90 billion was imported to Pakistan in the same period last year.

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