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Peshawar Pakistan

What Peshawar Pakistan is famous for

What Peshawar Pakistan is famous for, other than food.

Peshawar’s salt market is famous for its delicacies, tasty and amazing food. People from across the world come to Peshawar Pakistan for its meaty treats but there is another reason for its popularity.

The reason for the fame of Namak Mandi (salt market ) is that it is the place of Mutton and lamb Karahi (fried meaty dish), but behind this market is a hub of stones where precious jewels are carved with such skill that onlookers are amazed.

An artisan Shehryar says that basically, the stone comes to them in raw form, they cut it and bring it to the farm, and then it is used in various items and ornaments.

Peshawar Pakistan is culturally rich and worth visiting .

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3 years ago

Peshawar is considered to be one of the most exciting and culturally rich places to visit. The city has a centuries-old history of Alexander, Mughals and different invasions. Known to be the route of the silk road for hundreds of years, it is known for its food, textiles and hospitable people. In this blog we will talk about best restaurants in Peshawar.