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Passenger in Chicago Hid himself for 3 months fearing Corona

A passenger in Chicago Hid himself for 3 months fearing Corona

A passenger who had been hiding at the Chicago airport for three months was arrested. He hid out of the fear of the global epidemic Coronavirus ( Covid 19).

Aditya Singh, 36, said he had been hiding in the safe section of Chicago international airport for three months without anyone knowing, according to a foreign news agency.

According to the report, Aditya Singh is unemployed and lives in a room with several other people in Los Angeles. Aditya Singh has been arrested on charges of criminal intrusion and theft in a forbidden part of the airport.

The Assistant Public Advisor said that Aditya Singh has no criminal record, is unemployed, and had come to Chicago in search of a job. He said that Aditya Singh hid his identity.

When police used to ask about him he used to introduce himself as airport operation manager. He told police that he hid because he was afraid to go home amid the Corona outbreak.

Aditya Singh

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